Aspiring to inspire…

Archive for October, 2011

New Problems

I’ve been doing research to lock down a location in Book One. And every time I come to some conclusion, new problems arise. I fix those problems and get brand new ones.

I’ve got two kids wandering around a forest. With very specific requirements for the forest size and proximity to the city.

I find a perfect location…
But it messes up other aspects.
I solve those aspects…
But I need a new park/forest.
Not to mention my solution poses personal problems for me as well.

So then I’m back to no location… and now a whole new problem to fix as well.

And I’m just tempted to say “SCREW IT ALL! I don’t feel like fixing this story!”

Hopefully I’m not the only person to get to this point while being *so close* to done.

What Is In A Name?

I’ve been looking at character names and deciding if they honestly fit the characters. Names are important to me. And I don’t just mean in writing. Obviously names are important in writing. But as a whole. I look at my friends’ names. What they mean, what they say about the person, how they sound. This is what I do with my time, yes.

The significance of this whole thing… is an important character with a POV is having an identity crisis. Her name doesn’t seem to fit her. And the names I like that do fit her are too similar to other character names. So… do I re-name other characters as well or just give her a name that is slightly less than perfect?

Oh the dilemmas we face.