Aspiring to inspire…

Archive for December, 2011

Writing Resolutions

I did not write a whole lot in 2011. I did a lot of plotting and tinkering and excuse-making. I moved three times, Orlando to Nantucket to Salt Lake City to Santa Rosa. I wrote poetry and worked on my graphic skills, which you can see on my poetry tumblr. And then I finished the year working on short stories for friends and family as Christmas presents.

In about a week and a half I wrote 16 pages worth of short stories. That was actually the combined page count of two stories. I’ve got plot outlines and ideas and songs and plans… for several more short stories along with plans to finish my novel, edit, and start in on book two. But 2011 seemed to be the year of drama, the year of I-don’t-feel-like-doing-anything, the year of sigh-groan-grumble. And I am determined to make 2012 my year. And to prove it… I give you my resolutions. Which I will periodically repost to cross off what I’ve accomplished.

Writing Resolutions:
1. Complete short stories:
-The Door Home
-Life Size
2. Complete novellas:
-End Game
-Solitary King
3. Complete Transforming Silence
4. Revise Transforming Silence
5. Complete first draft of Tempting Defiance

Ambitious? Yes. But I have faith in myself… if only I’d apply myself I could get all that done.

I would like to read at least 50 books this coming year. I’ve aimed for this two years in a row and both years I only got to 46. Perhaps this year I will get there. But it’s not really the end of the world if I don’t. The writing plan is more important.